About Us
Hello, and thanks for stopping in. I trust you will enjoy your visit, and hopefully find a relic to add to your collection to protect for future generations.
Tom Hays / 4209 Rustic Way / Kingsport, TN 37664
Tom Hays / 4209 Rustic Way / Kingsport, TN 37664
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my site. I am Tom Hays and I am the fourth generation to grow up on our family farm, a short distance from the Stones River Battlefield. I've always had an interest in the civil war, and have been selling relics for over thiry-five years. Many of you also know my father, Bill Hays who also dealt in relics for many years. I have had this relic site since February of 1998 and many things have changed in that time, but the following never will:
First and Foremost, I'll never knowlingly sell a fake relic.
I'll not make up a location where a relic was found.
I'll not make up a story to embellish a relic.
I'll not alter a relic to represent it as something it's not.
I'll tell you if the relic has been repaired.
I'll stand behind every relic that I sell.
In short, I'll treat you exactly the way I want to be treated when I buy. I appreciate your business and I appreciate you! Whenever you are in the Middle Tennessee area, I'd love for you to stop by. Please call first, as I am a one man operation and I'm often away from the shop. Please remember our service men & women in your prayers. God Bless America!
Tom Hays